Manuel Pineau

Manuel Pineau - Rhône  No added SO2 on any bottle or cuvée Vin issu d'une agriculture biologique

Demeter, L'agriculture bio-dynamique Visiter leur site
Vin issu d'une agriculture biologique Visiter leur site
Ecocert Visiter leur site
Biodyvin Visiter leur site
Fnivab Visiter leur site
Nature et progrès Visiter leur site
Les vins S.A.I.N.S Visiter leur site
Association des vins naturels Visiter leur site
La Renaissance des Appellations Visiter leur site

Every cuvée / bottle is completely sulphite free (no added SO2)
Majority of bottles /cuvées are free of added SO2

Manuel Pineau    

93 chemin des prés 26410 SAINT ROMAN

06 33 96 94 80

06 33 96 94 80

To contact the producer by e-mail

Le domaine

En 2022, l’aventure se termine dans le Pays Nantais pour continuer dans la Drôme, à Die. Je m’y installe avec 2 Ha, sur un terroir d’argilo-calcaire d’un seul tenant. Les cépages sont la clairette blanche et  le muscat petits grains.

Les vignes

Le muscat petits grains planté sur porte greffe 3309c sur une parcelle d’alluvions (Plas et Combes de 1955 à 2003). Surface de la parcelle: 1,3Ha.
La clairette blanche planté sur porte greffe 3309c sur une parcelle d’alluvions (Plas en 1991 à 2001). Surface de la parcelle: 0.4Ha.

La vinification

Au chai, si rien ne vient troubler sa naissance naturel ainsi que son élevage, le vin a pu recevoir 2 gr de soufre maximum par hectolitre de vin avant sa mise en bouteille. Puis petit à petit, progressivement, le choix de se passer de tout intrant s’est réalisé intégralement avec le millésime 2021. A suivre…

Les vins


Information given by the producer

Détail des cuvées

Cuvée Wine Vintage Total SO² mg/l Label
TOPITOPO Blanc 2022
LE MIRLITON Blanc 2022

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Work practices (2025)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 2,3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 35 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods Biologique Wines by vintage 5
Certification Oui ECOCERT Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 5

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 08-01-2025

Work practices (2023)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 2 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods BIO Wines by vintage 3
Certification Oui ECOCERT Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 3

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 23-10-2023

Work practices (2022)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 2,7 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods BIOLOGIQUE Wines by vintage 4 en 2021
Certification Oui Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 4

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 12-07-2022

Work practices (2022)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non ECORCES DE LEVURES sur JV DU JDH EN 2020 SUR FIN DE FA DIFFICILE
The domaine's total land size 2,7 hectares Wine filtration Non SAUF EN 2019 SUR FRIDA FILTRATION TAGENTIELLE
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non BENTONITE SI SERIEUSE CASSE PROTEIQUE ANNONCEE
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 10
Growing methods Biodynamique Wines by vintage DE 3 A 6
Certification Oui Ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added DE 1 A 3

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 21-01-2022

Work practices (2019)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 2.7 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Oui Sur blanc uniquement à la bentonite si taux de protéines instables fort.
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 20
Growing methods biologique Wines by vintage 3
Certification En conversion ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 0

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 14-07-2019

Analysis of the wines

Wine Cuvée Vintage Total SO² mg/l Source
Le Mirliton Blanc 2023 <15 Analyses
Les Gafarots Blanc 2023 <15 Analyses
Topitopo Blanc 2023 <15 Analyses
Le Mirliton Blanc 2022 26 Analyses
Le Mirliton Blanc 2022 26 Analyses
Le Mirliton Blanc 2022 26 Analyses
Les Gafarots Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
Les Gafarots Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
Les Gafarots Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
Topitopo Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
Topitopo Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
Topitopo Blanc 2022 <15 Analyses
La Baraka Blanc 2021 <15 Analyses
Le Jardin de la Hyonnière Folle Blanche Blanc 2021 <15 Analyses
Le Jardin de la Hyonnière Melon de Bourgogne Blanc 2021 <15 Analyses
Les Charrusseaux Rouge 2021 <15 Analyses
LE CLOS DES LANDES Blanc 2020 32 Analyses
LE JARDIN DE LA HYONNIERE Blanc 2020 16 Analyses
LE JARDIN DE LA HYONNIERE jv Blanc 2020 <15 Analyses
LE JARDIN DE LA HYONNIERE vv Blanc 2020 25 Analyses
LES CHARRUSSEAUX Rouge 2020 18 Analyses
LES CHARRUSSEAUX Blanc 2020 18 Analyses
FRIDA Blanc 2019 15 Internet
DIEGO Blanc 2019 19 Internet
LE JARDIN DE LA HYONNIERE Blanc 2019 19 Internet
LES CHARRUSSEAUX Rouge 2019 <15 Internet
La Baraka Blanc 2018 33 Analyses
Le Clos des Landes Blanc 2018 35 Analyses
Les Charrusseaux Blanc 2018 18 Analyses
La Baraka Blanc 2017 15 Analyses
Les Charrusseaux Blanc 2016 <15 Analyses

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