Gregory Guillaume
Négociant vinificateur

Gregory Guillaume - Ardèche  No added SO2 on any bottle or cuvée Ecocert Vin issu d'une agriculture biologique

Demeter, L'agriculture bio-dynamique Visiter leur site
Vin issu d'une agriculture biologique Visiter leur site
Ecocert Visiter leur site
Biodyvin Visiter leur site
Fnivab Visiter leur site
Nature et progrès Visiter leur site
Les vins S.A.I.N.S Visiter leur site
Association des vins naturels Visiter leur site
La Renaissance des Appellations Visiter leur site

Every cuvée / bottle is completely sulphite free (no added SO2)
Majority of bottles /cuvées are free of added SO2

Gregory Guillaume    

1185 route de Villeneuve 07170 Villeneuve de Berg

09 63 05 66 17

09 63 05 66 17

To contact the producer by e-mail

The domaine

Le domaine est situé à Vaudanoux dans la vallée de l'Ibie sur 3 ha de vigne. Toute les vignes sont travaillées en bio et récoltées à la main.
Pour la partie négoce toutes les vignes sont en bio chez d'autres vignerons nature autour de moi et récoltées par mon équipes de vendangeur.
Pour la vinification toutes les cuvées sont sans aucun intrant .
Les vignes

Les vignes sont situées sur Vaudanoux proche de St Maurice d'Ibie tout est en coteaux sur des terres argilo-calcaire.


Les rouge sont vinifiés en semi carbonique puis élevés en futs et les blanc sont pressés directement puis vinifiés et élevés en futs

The wines

Le mieux est de venir gouter

Information given by the producer

Détail des cuvées

Cuvée Wine Vintage Total SO² mg/l Label
loucoulego Blanc inferieur a 11

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Work practices (2024)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Oui, 60% Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 35 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods bio Wines by vintage 7
Certification Oui ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 7

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 22-12-2024

Work practices (2024)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Oui, 70% Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods bio Wines by vintage 8
Certification Oui ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 8

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 06-11-2024

Work practices (2024)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Oui, 60% Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 35 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods biologique Wines by vintage entre 6 et 8
Certification Oui ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added toute

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 16-06-2024

Work practices (2020)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods bio Wines by vintage 5
Certification Oui ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added Toutes

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 10-12-2020

Work practices (2019)

In the vineyard In the cellar
In the wine trade? Non Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods bio Wines by vintage entre 4 et 8
Certification Oui ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 100%

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 04-01-2019

Work practices (2013)

In the vineyard In the cellar
Use of additives other than SO2 Non
The domaine's total land size 3 hectares Wine filtration Non
Average yields 30 hl/ha Fining of the wines Non
Harvesting by hand Oui Flash pasteurisation, reverse osmosis, or other technical intervention Non
Use of synthetic products Non Average quantity of SO2 added (mg/l) 0
Growing methods biologique Wines by vintage 5
Certification Oui Ecocert Cuvées / wines without SO2 added 5

The producer has completed the form and, by their honour, guarantees their accuracy and authenticity 24-02-2013

Analysis of the wines

Wine Cuvée Vintage Total SO² mg/l Source
Épicurien Rouge 2017 <9 Analyses
L’excentrique Rouge 2017 <9 Analyses
Lou Coulego Blanc 2017 <9 Analyses
Abracadaboum Rouge 2016 <9 Analyses
Koforobé Rouge 2011 <11 Analyses
L'épicurien Rouge 2011 <11 Analyses
L'exentrique Rouge 2011 <11 Analyses
Mystère Rouge 2011 <11 Analyses

Touver un gîte à proximité (moins de 50km)

Non du gîte Adresse Site internet Distance
gîte vigneron La Ferme des Roumanes 815 chemin des Séveniers 07170 LUSSAS 10 km
gîte vigneron Domaine de Gressac 958, chemin de Gressac, Clapeyret, 30630 Verfeuil 40 km

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